Saturday, May 7, 2011

Favorite Asian Dramas

Since I've admitted to being an asian drama addict, I might as well list down the dramas I like. This actually will serve another purpose. I find that when I'm bored and couldn't find any interesting new dramas to watch, watching old dramas is good enough. So here's my list (not by rank mind you):

1. Wedding (Korea)
For some reason, I find this drama very touching. It does drag in some episodes, but still I find this sweet, tender, and hopeful. And when my mood seeks a sad drama, this is a good watch.

2. Secret Garden (Korea)
The idea of swapping bodies initially didn't appeal to me. I thought it was too much of a fantasy. Thus, no matter that it has been in the top viewed in several sites that I frequent during its first release, it just didn't appeal to me. Until, out of boredom and lack of dramas to watch, I tried an episode. And so I was hooked. The phasing is just right. I laughed out loud in some scenes, cried in others, and was just so into the romance.

3. KonRuk Luang Jai/The Trickery of Love Dupes the Hearts (Thailand)
Really loved this drama. The family dynamics of Bua's family is great, and his brother is the best character I've met in dramaland. He's cool, the best friend you could hope for, protective brother for his sister, and the sweetest boyfriend with a nice job (what more can you ask for in a guy?).

4. Emergency Couple (Korea)
A second chance at love is always a good romance. As I've thought, being ready to settle down is what makes it work, no matter how in love you are. This is a feel good movie. Pacing is just right. Might get you frustrated at times because of the leads not feeling in love at the same time, but eventually they get there.

5. Marriage, Not dating (Korea)
Ongoing. Will write my thoughts once the drama is complete

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Being in Finance is no Fun

It's 1am and I'm still at the office. Sigh.... It's gonna be another all nighter :(

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Getting in Touch With Old Friends

If there's one good thing that happened amidst the preparations for this wedding it's that I was able to reach out to my good friend from childhood. It's been years since I've last seen her. And that was the time just before she went to Canada. We had a few emails after that, but I was so caught up with work I hardly responded until there was none. I admit it was my fault. I'm never good at keeping in touch. But the good thing about me is that I always pick up from where I left off whenever I see old friends. I'm so happy to be reconnected with her that I promise to keep the this friendship going this time.

Weekend Crasher

I'm totally pissed off. I really hate it that my new boss doesn't have a concept of time- off from office. She texts and calls as she please even though it's weekend or after office hours. I'm really pissed off!